Perfect for the easter basket, this puzzle teaches eye hand coordination and "baby" math. This is another favorite of my 3 year old son. He likes to pretend the peices are sugar cookies and passes them out to everyone in our family to "eat". Like all my items, this fun little easter puzzle is completely hand made. I take one solid piece of 3/4 wood, and cut it to an 8 1/2" x11" board. I then take my pencil and draw the shapes on the peice of board. Then I drill holes for each of the shapes. Then, threading a blade through each hole, I cut each shape out with my scroll saw. I use a planer to make the puzzle board shorter than the puzzle peices so that they stick out for little hands to grasp. Then I sand each shape by hand and paint each one with non toxic acrylics. The puzzle is sprayed with a light finish that is non toxic once it is dry. The finish helps the puzzle be more durable and more resistant to dirt, dents and scratches. Enjoy
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